Trust News

Easyfundraising February update

We received a total of £35.38 from Easyfundraising based around Dale supporters using their service for their online services. The Trust receives their money from Easyfundraising on a quarterly basis and we were delighted to […]

Player of the Month 2019-20

O’Connell scoops POTM for January

The winner of the January Player of the Month, and for the third consecutive month was Eoghan O’Connell, equalling Andy Cannon as the only other player to achieve this landmark!! The Trust member drawn to […]

Trust News

Away Fans Survey

The FSA are conducting their annual survey of Away Fans and they want your help. The FSA are the Football Supporters Association who are the Governing Body of the Dale Trust following the merger of […]

Trust events

Curry Night sold out

Despite tickets only becoming available on Sunday afternoon, all the ticket for this year’s Curry Night have been snapped up. As such, we are now opening up a reserved list for those interested. Given the […]

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Trust News

Reminder: Fans Forum tonight

Supporters are reminded that there will be a Fans Forum at the Crown Oil Arena on Monday evening. The event will see the Board of Directors make a presentaton on various aspects of the club, […]