The Ratcliffe

This is a purpose built pub that is attached into one corner of the ground. Away fans are very much welcomed to come in here to the extent that we as a Trust actively invite supporters of the opposition to call in before each and every game. It can easily hold up to 300-400 and it will take you no more than a couple of minutes to walk from the bar to the away turnstiles so its perfect for either making it your base before the game or calling in for one last drink.

It opens from 11am on Saturdays with a happy hour between 11:00 and 12:30. During Happy Hour, it’s just £2.40 a pint for JW Lees Original/Bitter, MPA, MPA Cask, JW Lees Stout and Somersby Cider. MPA bottles are also two for £5 all day.

There’s plenty of screens throughout the pub that will show the live BT Sports games before and after the match, and if thats not enough, there’s a Table football game to keep you busy.

We are awaiting details of whether there will be food available before games, but it might just be the only football pub in the country with pot noodles for sale behind the bar. The Ratcliffe also has a pub within the pub – the Dale Bar. This tends to be for home supporters only and we as a Trust have a desk in there before every game.

The Cemetery Pub

“The Cem” has for many years retained lower league legendary status amongst away supporters, with many looking forward to a visit to the pub rather than a visit to the game. It’s an old school pub with three rooms as well as the main bar area.

Away fans are welcomed, and the friendly atmosphere sees home and away fans discuss the forthcoming game or sharing a post-mortem cyring into the pint at 5pm. Its popularity with supporters has even seen fans call in on the way to other games. On more than one occasion, I’ve been in and it’s been full of Sunderland fans making their way to other grounds in the region.

It’s incredibly popular with the real ale types and has Camra accreditation. “A pint of landlord” is regularly muttered around the bar area amongst several others. On matchdays, there will be sandwiches and pies available whilst stocks last. You can expect them to be showing any live games on numerous screens both before and after matches.

Spotland Social Club