Last call for WC Prediction League
134 have signed up so far for our World Cup Prediction League. It’s free to enter and you can win a signed Dale shirt. With the World Cup almost upon us, we have launched a […]
134 have signed up so far for our World Cup Prediction League. It’s free to enter and you can win a signed Dale shirt. With the World Cup almost upon us, we have launched a […]
£27.93 was raised for the Dale Trust during the month of May using the Easyfundraising website. https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/daletrust/ We have 191 registered users with Easyfundraising, and if they visit the Easyfundraising website before any online purchase, […]
Lifelong Dale fan Gary Wild, from Shawclough has spent a lifetime collecting Rochdale AFC memorabilia, but is moving to pastures new in the coming weeks, and won’t have space to house his collection. Gary contacted […]
We kick off our 2018-19 calendar on Wednesday evening with a Quiz Night. Around sixty Dale supporters came down to the Flying Horse on Wednesday evening to take part in the annual Dale Trust Quiz […]
Everyone at the Trust was upset after it was announced on Friday that Dale director Paul Hazlehurst had passed away. As well as being a Club Director, Paul had also been a Trust member for […]
With the World Cup almost upon us, we have launched a World Cup Prediction League where you predict the results of each game in the competition. It’s free to take part, and you could win […]
Before the season started, we asked a number of questions about the 2017-18 with Dale supporters making their predictions to them. Following the Champions League final, we can now announce that the winner by just […]
The Trust Commitee will be having its first meeting of the close season this week. As always, if there is anything you would like brought up at the meeting, please email details to info@daletrust.co.uk. A […]
The Dale Trust are making some changes to the way we run the members’ newsletters. As you’ve probably seen with all the emails from every company under the Sun in the last few days, there […]
Hot off the press: The Trust will be hosting a Quiz Night at the Flying Horse on Wednesday 6th June. In what will be the first event of the new season, we will be returning […]