Trust News

Reminder: Questions for the Board

Trust members are reminded that they have until 7pm on Saturday to send in their questions for next week’s meeting with the Rochdale AFC Board of Directors. Monday’s meeting will be our first formal sit […]


AGM review

The Trust held their Annual General Meeting before Saturday’s game with Bristol Rovers. There were 23 Trust members present and 17 proxy votes received ahead of the meeting, with apologies offered in advance from three […]

Trust News

POTM poll for October

Our October games have come to an end, so its time to vote for your Dale Trust Player of the Month. As always, voting is open to all Dale supporters but one Trust member will […]

Trust News

5-a-side tournament

The Trust will be running a 5-a-side competition in conjuction with the Dale Community Trust, and are inviting supporters to take part. The event will take placed on Sunday 24th November, with an entry cost […]

Player of the Month 2019-20

Morley win’s POTM

Aaron Morley was this season’s first winner of the Player of the Month. Morley was presented with the award on Saturday following the Wycombe game following a poll of supporters. He was given the award […]

Trust News

AGM announcement

The Trust will be hosting its AGM on Saturday 2nd November. The decision last year to change the timing of the meeting to coincide with a Saturday home game, rather than a weekday evening, resulted […]