Date: Wednesday 4th September 2024           

Cemetery Hotel   




Ref: September Monthly meeting


Present: Trust: George Brigham, Scott Goulding, Charlie Stansfield, Keith Hicks, Dave Earnshaw, Ruby Loynd, Murray Knight
  Guests: None



Michael Shepherd, Bob, Ian Goodwin, Siobhan McEIlhinney  

Minutes: Murray Knight
Chair: George Brigham
 Minutes of previous meeting

Previous minutes not discussed/accepted by those present


Trust Business

Treasurer’s report – no update available. Year-end accounts submitted to accountants

AGM – date to be confirmed. Michael still to check his availability in light of his Man United Saturday fixtures.

Bank account – Awaiting Michael to update latest on arranging an additional board member access to the bank account.

Card Reader – Limited access to operate the Zettle card reader makes it difficult to operate by all Board members on Trust desk. Requires everyone to be able to operate it on match days.

Google Group emails – Bob agreed to investigate an alternative email for internal discussions due to our inability to add/delete Board members as the current passwords do not work.


Scott has not been able to provide an update as he is locked out of his Hotmail/Outlook account and unable to process new applications. The project to follow up with emailing lapsed members not possible until current database is updated as is the project for each board member to convert at least ten lapsed members. Item for October meeting.

Trust Events

Quiz Night – Charlie confirmed booked for Friday 27th September upstairs in the Flying Horse. Ruby agreed to provide publicity for the event and Murray will forward the Trust logo to her to complete.

Sponsored Walk – The proposal to provide Trust funds discussed at last meeting was not considered further. Item for October meeting

Matchball Sponsorship/s and Exiles Day – Murray to investigate with Andy Duff the provision of an acceptable financial arrangement for both events with different venues inside and outside to be considered for the Exiles Day if a satisfactory arrangement similar to the past is not possible.

Working with the Club

Meetings with the Club – The minutes of the meeting on Thursday 29th August will be forwarded to all board members. Can Bob please arrange for them to be posted on the usual channels. The Fans Focus meeting on 26th September will be based on an update by Andy on Commercial activities.

Trust Club Director/Mou – George and Murray meeting with the Club on Wednesday 11th September to discuss these topics and will report back to Trust Board members.

Joe Thompson Golf Day – Keith reported that uptake for teams to participate was poor and the event looks like it will not take place. There has been a lack of response to his emails to the Club to publicise the event and this was mentioned to Andy Duff at the meeting with the Club last Thursday.

Former players – Keith confirmed that guest speakers are confirmed for future games. There have been complaints regarding the noise level when the guest speakers are taking part in the Q&A session and this has been reported to the Club

Forever Dale Lottery – Murray has obtained the artwork for an email to be sent to members to encourage participation. Topic for October meeting.


Bob suggested we require a replacement pull-up banner. Not discussed. Item for October meeting

Buckley prison celebrating 30-year anniversary at Christmas and looking for raffle prizes from the Club. Murray will investigate.

Dave will speak to Harry H regarding his possible involvement with the Trust.


Date of next meeting – Wednesday 2nd October 6.30pm – The Cemetery