Adult / Exile membership 2024-25 Membership of the Trust for season 2024/25 is £7.50p To sign up online, please fill out the form below: To sign up for the 2024-25 season, please start by filling out the details below NameAddressEmail*Select a Choice Adult Membership Exile MembershipIn addition to your membership fee, if you would like to add a Voluntary Donation to the Trust please add the amount below(don't put £ sign in)TelephoneExiles only: are you happy for us to publish your details on our Members only newsletter to allow other exile members nearby to contact you regarding shared transport? Yes NoComments hereIts important that all contacts and renewals have a email address and that all applicant tick the box to allow us to contact you via emal subject to GDPR rules for privacy.Sign Up Sign Up If this page does not display, please visit here. Tweet Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...