The focus group meeting for next seasons (2025/26) Season Card took place as advertised on 27th Feb at the club. It was always emphasised that this was a meeting to gather options and ideas to be followed by a more formal announcement by the club once the ideas become policy,
Below is a quick summary to provide members with the general areas covered.
The Fans Focus Group to discuss Season Cards for next season met in the 1907 Lounge on Thursday 27th February, led by Andy Duff, George Delves, and Ryan Bradley (both via Teams). Attending in person on behalf of the fan base were Dave Earnshaw, Murray Knight, Emma Loynd, Ruby Loynd and Vince Ashall (Trust Board Directors) and Russell Loynd. Discussions are currently underway including, amongst other topics, lack of flexibility within the current system including restrictions faced when ordering online eg. making multi-purchases of different types of tickets at the same time amongst other difficulties, rendering the system to failing to provide an acceptable customer-friendly facility.. Discussions have developed to the stage whereby an announcement will be made soon including full details of the proposed structure for next season.
At this stage we would like to thank the members ( and board directors) who sent in questions (which we will answer personally) all of which were presented to Andy Duff and his team.