At the AGM held on the 9th of November 2024, under AOB the following question was raised regarding the above:

  1. The funding of the Squad Builder and the Fighting Fund launched at the 2023 AGM, and strongly supported by BOGS, should have been reviewed at the end of last season. This did not happen, and there are suggestions for alternative projects to be considered. In the meantime, the SB and FF funds will continue to benefit from donations made until a change, if any, is made to support an alternative project. Those currently donating will then be advised whether or not to support either the current projects, or any new project adopted. However, if any new project/s is/are adopted, the final balance for the SB and the FF will be ring-fenced for use for those specific projects only.

Firstly, many thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraising, including the considerable contribution made by BOGS’ members, amounting to over 40% of the total raised. These proceeds were important in assisting the Club to finance the three squad members involved to continue to contribute to the squad at a vital time.

We apologise that the review at the end of last season did not take place.  In the meantime, donations continue to be received.  In recent discussions with the Club, and in light of the positive change in its circumstances since the specific funding was launched, it was decided that the purpose for the fundraising no longer applied, and alternative project/s should be considered for approval by members.

As all donations which continue to be received are made by standing order or direct debit, we lack the means to identify contact details of those making them to make individual direct contact, so the only alternative method of communication is in this manner. If you are one of those continuing to donate, could you please arrange to cancel your banking arrangements by the end of March 2025. The final balance of funds at that date will be ring-fenced and permission sought to utilise it should alternative project/s be considered as appropriate and agreement reached to support.

Once more, the Trust, BOGS, and the Club wish to express our thanks for the support given to the project which certainly assisted at a difficult time for us all.


Up the Dale