Booking for the Trust-organised coach to Southend is now open. Taking the hassle out of driving, our two professional drivers will transport you safely and comfortably directly to the ground. With facilities on board, the coach will also make scheduled stops where needed. We look forward to your company
To reserve your place please email Emma, Trust Travel Coordinator on travel@daletrust.co.uk
Once acknowledged please use the details below to pay and send a screenshot of your bank payment to travel@daletrust.co.uk, or see alternate payment methods below.
Book by paying by bank transfer:
Account name: Rochdale Supporters Club Ltd (this is a business account not personal)
Sort Code 08-92-99
Account Number 65130258
In the reference section please add your “name -game”, eg, D Morris-Southend
(Please send a copy/Screen Shot of your remittance to Travel@daletrust.co.uk) Please use this email only for your travel arrangements.
Club shop: Cash only Weds pm – Saturday
Trust desk: Card or cash (It will be open tomorrow, Sat 8th for the Ebbsfleet Game, so booking and payment can be made.
The Trust would like to place on record our thanks to the Ogden family for their generous support for away travel this season