Date: 09th January 2025

Cemetery Hotel, Rochdale



Ref: January Monthly Meeting

Present: Trust: Murray Knight, Keith Hicks, Bob Morrisey, Dave Earnshaw, Ruby Loynd and Jake Dowd.
  Guests: Emma Loynd
Apologies: Charlie Stansfield, Siobhan McElhinney, Harry Holt, Michael Sheperd and Ian Goodwin, Scott Goulding.
Minutes: Emma Loynd
Chair: Vacant


Lapsed membership is being chased by various Directors of the Trust.

A discussion was had about the possible introduction of a family membership option. More details will be available in the near future.


Travel Update

nly 9 booked on the Forest Green coach so far.

Emma to send an email to all the passengers who have travelled with us since October.

We made a loss on Dagenham and we need to sell 30 to break even.

Codes of conduct are going to be updated and reviewed on a season by season basis.

An emphasis will still be on the fact that alcohol cannot be taken on or consumed on the coach and that stewards can challenge passengers if required.

(If alcohol was found ultimately chaperones and drivers are held accountable by the police and we want to ensure this does not happen).

We are in discussion about the roles and responsibilities of the chaperones.

Ideas discussed, a more formal checking in on both journeys and having the contact numbers of passengers available in case of emergencies/ no shows. A sheet with a tick box for both journeys along with telephone journeys to be produced.

The travel coordinator must have up to passenger numbers on the day for both outbound and return, as on occasion passengers do not return.

Chaperones sporadically checking on passengers during the journey.


Remaining Vacant for the time being as all the legal roles are being covered by the Directors of the Trust, as a Cooperative.

The position will be on the agenda at upcoming meetings.

This will also include discussion about the new Advisory Board and the future of the position of a Trust Representative being on the Club Board.

Fans Forum

Date 30th January.  Various Trust members will be in attendance. Questions to be passed to the Club.

PSA Testing

PSA testing is being discussed again as it was a success last time.

Costings are quite high around £40 per person, this will be looked into.

NHS £80 pounds per person.

We are looking into the option of perhaps getting a grant to cover the testing.

Lung Cancer Testing

We will also look into the possibility of mobile lung cancer screen, as it is on television a lot. Rates are high in the North.

We are also looking into other options for the wider football community too.

Trust Hospitality

A discussion was had about possibly moving from sponsoring the match ball to a more hospitality based experience.

This is still to be decided, and information will released once finalised.

Ruby is looking into more community based experiences for younger fans and families.

Social Media

Socials are being revamped and updated, to be more modern and eye catching.

A steering group for Social Media has been set up.

Increase the presence on X, Facebook, Instagram etc.

Future Events

Future community based events for the end of season/ next year to be thought about and discussed at up coming meetings.

Former Player Speakers

Keith is looking into reaching out to players who left in the last few years.

Other members of the trust are looking at different ways of contact players ie. Through social media, agents etc.

Talks of put a pole out to the fans asking them who they would like to have as a guest speaker.


BOGS and Squad Builder

Discussions were held squad builder and fighting funds, more information will be released in the coming weeks.


Hendo’s Birthday Project

Ruby has now published on all socials and the website, that a scrapbook will be produced that includes messages picture and memories from the younger fans for Ian’s 40th Birthday.

All the information to sent messages is included in the posts.

There is a competition for the fans to design the front cover.

The winner will then present the scrapbook to Ian on Saturday 25th January.


Kit Update

Really good suggestions received.


Player of the Month

November and December to be presented 15th January.


Exhiles Day

29th March.

Ian has started to gather information about attendees.



Quotes are being obtained for new banners for the Trust.

Designs are being put together.



Possible fundraising options available.

Look at poster for coach travel going up around the COA.

Look at the possibility of running a coach to Worthing.

8am Departure £35 per person.


Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 05th February