Saturday 5th October – Ebbsfleet. £35

Depart Club at 07:30, Town at 08:00 am

Saturday 26th October – Barnet £35

Depart club at 08:00, Town at 08:15

To reserve your place please email Emma, Trust Travel Coordinator on

Once acknowledged please use the details below to pay and send a screenshot of your bank payment to, or see alternate payment methods below.

Book by paying by bank transfer:

Account name: Rochdale Supporters Club Ltd   (this is a business account not personal)

Sort Code     08-92-99

Account Number 65130258

In the reference section please add your “name -game”, eg,  D Morris-York

(Please send a copy/Screen Shot of your remittance to Please use this email only for your travel arrangments.

Club shop: Cash only Weds pm – Saturday

Trust desk: Card or cash on matchdays


The Trust would like to place on record our thanks to the Ogden family for their generous support for away travel this season