Season Card Fan Focus Group. REMINDER.

We published on the 12th of February our advance notice to all about the fans’ Focus Group Meeting Regarding Season Cards scheduled for the 27th Feb in 1907 at 7 pm.. see HERE

This post is to reminder to all to get the date in their diaries and coincides with the club also publishing details on the main club website, see HERE

To recap, The latest Fans Focus meeting planned by the club to discuss Season Cards for 2025/26 is scheduled for Thursday 27th February in the 1907 Lounge, doors open at 6.30 pm for a 7 pm start.

We look forward to as many as possible participating in the meeting, chaired by our Director of Commercial Operations, Andy Duff.

Could you please forward any suggestions, views or questions for inclusion in the meeting by emailing to be received by Wednesday 26th February?.. Further details and full post HERE