Directors Meeting Minutes 19th December 2024
The Trust was represented by – Dave Earnshaw, Murray Knight, Ian Goodwin (via Teams), Ruby Loynd and Emma Loynd (volunteer looking after coach travel). Bob Morrisey
The Club was represented by – Simon Gauge, George Delves, Tony Pockney, Ryan Bradleyand Andy Duff (via Teams)
The meeting posed all question that were submitted.
Q. System not allowing 2 types of concessionary tickets to be bought together:
A. The Club has raised this specific issue with Future Ticketing who are looking at how they can change the standard software to accommodate this need.
Q. Are there any plans to update the online ticket platform?
A. Yes. The commercial team have conducted a full review of the current online ticketing platform and alternative solutions. Significant improvements are hard to implement mid-season but we aim to have the best solution in place for season tickets renewals for next Season.
Q. It would be useful to have an update on how the Golden Share will be allocated to the Trust, and, if possible, a timeline for this to happen. Are there specific conditions which need to be met? Is there an issue, for instance, with the proposed legislation to introduce a football regulator which might impact upon the Golden Share? If so, what will happen if the proposed legislation is delayed?
A. It was confirmed that the delay was caused by the need for it to be incorporated into the revision of the Club’s Articles of Association, which is nearing completion, with the final legal wording being checked with other clubs where the Golden Share has already been granted. Any delay with regard to the proposal of a football regulator being appointed should not prevent the Golden Share being granted to the Trust.
Q. A problem was raised concerning the audio in the Wilbutts Stand and the implications concerning any safety announcements being necessary and the inability for fans to hear.
A. All safety announcements are made by an independent system controlled by the police control room so safety should not be an issue but checks will be made on the specific audio problem on matchday information for supporters being raised.
Q. A question was posed regarding applications for plaques still not having been actioned.
A. June was the cut-off date for panel 4 so any applications made since then for panel 5 have still have to be actioned once sufficient numbers are reached to allow completion. Tony has replied to the fan who raised the point after the game last Tuesday and explained the situation. In addition, the Memorial Wall has not met with sufficient demand to date to proceed at present but will be marketed once more in the New Year. In addition.
Q. A suggestion that utilisation of “Blue Sky” social media could be useful in additionto/replacing any existing facilities.
A. Any methods of utilising social media in additional formats is always of interest, and would not be disregarded if felt to be a significant improvement in its popularity amongst users. At present, it would seem “Blue Sky” represents a comparatively low profile for the extra resource required to manage it but will be noted for the future.
Q. A question was raised concerning the effectiveness of lighting at the entrances/exits at the Smiths Metals Stand for safe passage for spectators.
A. There are lights at the back of the stand and the far side of the car park which meet the standards required by the SAG (Safety Advisory Group) and the SGSA (Sports Grounds Safety Authority) but something which could be looked at to improve the facility for spectators.
Q. Why do we persist with the boring style of football. We’ve seen bigger teams with better players fail playing this way. It’s not entertaining and it’s making me think twice about renewing mine and my son’s season tickets if it continues.
A. This is a question previously posed by others but not one which is considered relevant to be answered by the Board, although important.
Q. Is there any way the Club can provide details on any improvements/changes relating to the structure of the stadium.
A. At this stage, any plans regarding potential development of the stadium are not available for general discussion. A significant amount of work is being undertaken at present by the Club in considering options of how to increase non-football activities which is key to our continued sustainability. However, as is the case with several other clubs who have presented plans for changes but unable to be implemented for various reasons, it’s important that all parties/stakeholders involved are fully on-board to implement them. There is no reason forthe Club to withhold positive information on projects from the fans, and it’s hoped that some indication of future plans may be able to be discussed at the Fans Forum in January.