We have been asked to remind members and fans alike, especially exile members who want to visit the club shop over the festive season that the opening times are as below.
Opening hours will then return to normal from Tuesday 6th January. Click HERE to view our regular opening hours.
To guarantee Christmas delivery, online orders must be placed before midday on Wednesday 18thDecember. There will be another courier service on Friday 20th December at midday, and whilst we cannot guarantee delivery on orders placed after Wednesday’s deadline, we are hopeful orders midday on Friday will arrive on time.
Click HERE to shop online 24/7. Tickets for our upcoming matches can also be purchased online HERE.
There are some great Christmas gift ideas in stock now, including new festive jumpers. Click HERE to view what’s on offer and HERE to see our new Dale gin!
Plaques on our Fan Wall (HERE) and Memorial Wall (HERE) would also make great Christmas gift ideas.