Minutes: Trust/Club Directors’ Meeting 29th August 2024

Those attending: Tony Pockney, Richard Knight, Andy Duff, Ryan Bradley, George Delves,

George Brigham, Murray Knight, Ruby Loynd.

Apologies: Simon Gauge

The first item discussed was the reserved seating for season card holders with thanks to the Club for coming back so quickly agreeing that the Trust would provide the stickers and labour through volunteers to ensure that the task was completed for the game on Saturday. Andy agreed it was a solution for this season but would be considered later this year as part of the overall review when planning for next season. George B related the significant number of individuals who had contacted the Trust relating to this problem to put it into context how much of a problem it represented and how important it was to raise the issue.

The revised method of selling programmes causing queueing, in particular at the Club shop on Saturday, was discussed and additional facilities were considered. At present, they are sold at the club shops, the pop-up shop and the bars. In hindsight, the queuing for programs only could have been facilitated by utilising volunteers and could be considered for future events where footfall at the club shop is expected to be higher. The offer was made by the Trust to provide a sales point at the Trust desk in the Dale Bar, as is currently provided with Sandy Lane tickets. Also, the sellers of the half-time tickets draw might well be an additional facility, and Tony will discuss this with Cliff to arrange for the game on Saturday.

Problems at the turnstiles are being experienced, specifically Pearl Street where one turnstile is down. The problem with handhelds reported is also being investigated.

The proposed golf day on the 18th September to raise funds for Joey Thompson is being organized by Keith Hicks and the Club will again put out a reminder with details on the web site sponsors. Former players invited as guests to attend games has been well received by hospitality guests. There is, however, a problem experienced regarding noise levels when the guest speaker is being interviewed, so the Club is addressing the issue.

Questions from Supporters 

1.The question submitted regarding the problems encountered with the turnstiles and hand-held devices at the Pearl Street stand was discussed and reported on as the first item in the meeting and are being investigated (see above).

2) The season card-holders’ problems in gaining their seats in the Pearl Street stand is being attended to by their seats being stickered by the Trust through volunteers (see above).

3) It was requested that one of the Fan Engagement meetings be arranged with an update on the Commercial operation. It was conformed that the meeting on the 26th September would become the Commercial Focus Group with Andy attending to specifically address and discuss this vital aspect of the Club’s operation.

4) The question was asked regarding the time lapse between the accounts being completed and the date of the relevant AGM. Accounts are for the year ended 31st March with the AGM tending to be held much later in the year. It was requested that the AGM could be held closer to the end of financial year for points on the accounts to be more relevant, and this was discussed and the date and structure of the AGM this year will be advised when confirmed.

5) The housekeeping of the ladies’ toilets in the Sandy Lane was asked to be investigated, but without specific details as to the nature of the complaint. It was requested that to enable the specific issue to be addressed, additional detail is required by contacting the Trust with details

6) The question was asked regarding the involvement by the newly appointed Directors in the regular meetings between the Trust and the Club, and it was felt that there could be the possibility for online involvement on some future occasions, but not all. The Trust have regular contact concerning the coach travel. Also, all the Directors appointed as a result of the change of ownership – Cameron Ogden, Jamie Willoughby and Adam Saul, all attend each monthly Board meeting.

7) Although a definite date is yet to be confirmed, the recent work on the documentary about Tony Collins is planned to be broadcast by Sky. A question was asked whether the Ogden’s are aware of the proposed release and why news of such a “good news” item to the fans has not been made. The production company. Andy confirmed that the email sent to him by Murray had been forwarded to Cameron to keep him in the loop. In the meantime, the production company are seeking from fans any relevant background information for inclusion in the documentary – pictures of Tony in his playing and management days or any other relevant information to contact the Trust. It was confirmed that the production director has contacted the Club seeking any available material, and agreed that once the screening date is confirmed, publicity regarding it would be posted. George B agreed to contact Greg for an update on availability of any material.

8) A question was asked regarding the acquisition of a striker. The difficulty faced is the ability to acquire a proven striker within the remaining budget. There will more arrivals – mainly loanees.

9) Progress on attaining a training facility? There has been progress but commercial confidentiality means that there is nothing positive to report.

9) Question on the contract with JW Lees. Andy reported that details on the contract is subject to commercial viability. Work is taking place on the offer available as is the operation of the Ratcliffe and the work in progress to extend its use as more than the current “match-day” use. George B noted that the work carried out by Anthony and his staff on the offer available has created a positive situation, supported by Lees as a supplier. Operation of the bars and hospitality in the future as a concept is a subject requiring consideration for the future development of football and non-football activities.

10) A series of questions were asked regarding previous Directors who contributed in different ways to the Club – Chris Dunphy, Bill Goodwin, Jamie Sarsfield, Jan Wormald and Guy Courtney who they felt deserved recognition for the contributions made on behalf of the Club. George B contacted Simon who replied that it could be considered when we were further into the 3/5 – year plan. George B met with Chis Dunphy when the Club were seeking assistance with investment but funding was not able to be achieved. George D agreed that nothing is off the table but how is someone’s contribution more deserving than someone else. It was agreed that it was a difficult matter but certainly one that deserves further consideration.



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