Dale win as do two lucky Dale fans…

While Dale beating Hartlepool was the highlight of our night, especially for the 155 travelling fans who savoured 3 great goals, things back at the Ratcliff Suit became exciting too.

A large gathering of fans who could not make the game came together in front of the big screen at the Ratcliff and created a right old noise but none more than when Tilly Mae Field, age 11, won the halftime raffle draw for a Hendo home shirt!

The club issued raffle tickets to all with each round of drinks purchased, each ticket was entered into a draw and in tonight’s case it was for a Hendo Shirt.

So, when one of Tilly’s five tickets came up her dance of delight and pure happiness as she ran around the bar caused much amusement amongst the throng. The fact that she is bar manager Anthony Field’s daughter and that she had five tickets was dismissed as not a fix! we were later reliably told that Tilly was given the tickets by Dale bar customers, that’s good enough for us Tilly, enjoy the shirt.

The second happy face tonight is considerably older than Tilly, much older!

Dave Earnshaw, one of the Trust board directors whilst attending one of the England preseason showings on the big screen won a similar raffle only this time it was for a 2024/25 Dale home shirt signed by this season’s squad. The drawback on that day was the club had not received the shirts yet so at that moment it was in name only but tonight Dave received from bar manager Anthony Field his shirt, duly signed by the squad. This makes this particular shirt rather special, sadly Dave knows this and rebuffed all offers for it as it was, he said, going into his man cave. Oh well, reluctant congratulations from fellow envious members and fans alike.!

The Trust thank Tillys parents for giving us permision to print her happy pic, Dave does not need any permision, at his age he thinks he can do any thing!.

Finally, a nod to Andy Duff, Dales Commercial Manger for sourcing and donating the shirts and to Anthony for organising the night.