Meeting with Club Directors & Officials 25th July 2024

Meeting with Club Directors & Officials

25th July 2024


  1. Agreement on release of Squad builder funds for specific players

An outline was provided on the system employed in deciding on potential targets for recruitment and George D went into great detail about what every potential target player goes through utilising full visibility, including being financially achievable within budget, full stats, three character references. A considerable number of players in all positions are considered and either rejected, short-listed, and then followed up for further consideration. As far as the use of the Squad Builder fund is concerned, in addition to securing new players, there is also the potential for important squad players, considered worthy of a contract extension, for the fund, or part of it, to be utilised in supporting it. The playing budget is reaching it’s limit so the Squad Fund is able to be used in a variety of ways at our discretion, whilst regarded by those contributing, to be the most effective method/s of providing additional resource.

  1. Implementation of MOU & code of conduct for Trust board Director

Discussion on both items was agreed to be best served at a future meeting devoted to the time required. An MOU exists at present but not implemented – the Trust Board Director code of conduct is also vital in being clarified.

  1. Update on Golden share

The full details and implementation of the “Golden Share” will be subject to an addition to the review of the Articles of Association, which are being reviewed at present and will be an agenda item for the AGM to be held later this year

  1. Away coach travel update from Trust

Discussions with the Trust taking over the coach travel are on-going, with the logistics involved to make it work to be finalised. The objective is to be ready to run the first coach to Boston, and talks continue with two preferred coach companies. The welcome suggestion of assistance by the Club with regard to the booking/payment by potential passengers may help to provide an answer to the administration aspect we are trying to resolve and will be followed up.

  1. Questions submitted by fans

See separate report to be published.