£3200 Raised for Joey T

Following the Trusts auction for the unique Joey Thompson shirts which were worn by the players during the match warm up session on the last Saturday game of the 2023/24 season we can confirm all shirts have been dispatched to their new owners and full payments have been received giving a total of £2329 raised towards the Joey Thompson appeal.

But the news gets better, pre match in the Dale bar there was a special bucket shake which raised the magnificent sum of £637 which was in part due to our colleagues from the BOGS team who donated well over half that amount from their recent activities and from activities on the actual match day, dale fans at their best. To this we had to added £50 which a fan donated that day via bank transfer and coupled from donations made on the very last home game we ended up with, when combined with the shirt auction money, the brilliant total of £3063 which the Trust has agreed to round up to £3200 which we have agreed to send directly to Joey T as this way it avoids any “Go Fund Me” commission fees.

A big Thank You!

The Trust, BOGS, and all fans who donated are part of the bigger Dale Family

We stood together and we stood for one of our own.

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