Meeting with Simon Gauge re: investor update
The Trust Chair and Secretary met with Simon earlier today in order to provide an update for all supporters following the announcement of the receipt of a letter of intent to purchase the club, from World Soccer Holdings LLC.
The CEO of WSH is visiting the club on Saturday for the game versus Oxford City and will be accompanied by a work colleague. At the time of the meeting, Simon was working on an itinerary for the visit to include a meeting with Trust representatives, which at the moment, will either be on Sunday or Tuesday of next week. We invite any questions to be emailed to info@daletrust.co.uk and we will use our best endeavours to get full answers reported back to all supporters in a timely manner.
Simon briefly outlined the sporting aspirations that WSH have for the club, with focus being on promotion to the EFL whilst developing young talent. There are also plans to enhance commercial revenues on the site.
With regards the named person we had looked into, he has acted to introduce WSH to Rochdale. There is no fee involved for him. Currently, he is not active at WSH but this may change.
Since the LOI was announced, contact has remained in place with a number of credible prospects.
As we receive any further information, we will share it with you.