Members of the Trust board finally met with representatives from the club in a meeting last Thursday 23rd November to put forward questions that we the Trust had and questions that members had sent to us.
We had originally scheduled the meeting for a couple of weeks back but due to the unavailability of Club and Trust members, the meeting had to be cancelled, As we were anxious to move progress we did write to the club with some of our questions to which we have recently received replies. However, we were keen to meet in person to continue the dialogue. Minutes of the meeting were taken by the Trust and circulated to the club, both the Trust and the club agree that they are a factual representation of the meeting, we therefore enclose below for full transparency those minutes for information to our members. The Trust has further scheduled meetings planned but should members have further questions then please contact us either via the Trust Desk in the Dale Bar prior to home games or via our email info@daletrust.co.uk.
Meeting 23rd November 2023
Meeting with the club board & staff
23rd November 2023
Present: Simon Gauge, Richard Knight, Tony Pockney, Murray Knight, Jamie Sarsfield, George Delves, Ryan Bradley, Dave Earnshaw, Bob Morrisey, Matt Devine, Charlie Stansfield, Jane Prince, Scott Goulding, George Brigham
- Update on ownership/attracting investor
The club are quietly optimistic with the latest group of investors, but unfortunately, in respecting the NDA in existence, are unable to provide any names or timescales at this point. Exclusivity has not been granted but lawyers are currently involved.
It was reiterated that the club will consult with the Trust before anything is announced publicly and that the Trust board director is made aware of all investor discussions.
- Policing/Stewarding at Rochdale v Oldham game
As this is now a police matter, the club are unable to discuss this at the present time.
However, the club did raise the recent ground banning orders issued as a result of misbehaviour at the Gateshead game.
- MOU & Trust board Director role
The board will allow for headline-level information relating to board meetings to be available to the Trust board in order to allow the Trust main board director to seek views and direction from the Trust board.
The issue of detailed financial information being made available is subject to further conversations on confidentiality and control of such information, and it was agreed to consult with the fan-led review documentation on how this is intended to be addressed in the near future, with a view to it being adopted by the Club and Trust. This will almost certainly involve the creation of a Shadow Board at the club in line with the Tracey Crouch review.
- Rochdale AFC AGM
The need to hold an AGM in 2023 was emphasised and the club is looking at a suitable date.
The articles of association state that one general meeting per year is to be held, such a provision being binding on the company. Notice of meeting date needs consideration.
- Volunteer Army
The Trust representatives complimented the club on the quality of the recent presentation.
However, the club expressed disappointment with the low level of engagement from supporters in relation to recent and upcoming events.
It was suggested that the presentation be shown before a game and/or during half-time, as the physical engagement of face-to-face meetings offered a far greater chance of fan involvement.
It was agreed to push the following fund-raising opportunities:
- The Fylde Boxing Day ticket offer
- The Xmas draw tickets
- The memorial wall
It was thought that such campaigns should be given a name and clear focus, such as Squad building fund.
A volunteer has stepped forward to distribute posters across the borough with regards the Fylde game, and the Trust will discuss how to promote the other opportunities via membership.
- Club response to FA charge
The club, through Murray Knight as representative of the largest shareholder, wrote to the FA to request access to evidence that the club felt had been deliberately excluded from the “Written Reasons” document, and the FA have granted him access to this. The document is classed as confidential and cannot be disclosed to the public.
The suspension has been served and the matter is now closed.
- Growing revenue/growing the fanbase/the Stockport model
Documentation arising from the fan consultations earlier in the year has not been received at the club, so it was agreed to send the report in for consultation.
This is a 19-page report based on suggestions from fans over those meetings, together with a report on how Stockport grew its fanbase even before its current investor stepped in.
- Seats for schools’ initiative and matchday ticket sales in general
- Seats for school take-up are running at about 50 attendees per game. More detailed information will be made available
- The club accurately monitors all attendances at games and breaks these down into season card/ticket sales/hospitality/press etc, and as a quick example, figures for the first home game versus Ebbsfleet were discussed
- Questions from fans
These had already received a written response, but some follow-up to the sale of shares questions.
Potential investors are made fully aware of the number of shareholders at the start of the process, together with what shares are available in the treasury. For the club to tweak shareholdings as a result of small transactions means an incurred cost greater than the revenue generated from a small share sale, and so, reluctantly, the club has suspended the sale of shares whilst negotiations with potential investors are on-going.