We submitted an application to the Community Ownership Fund on 10th July 2023, which is part of the Government’s levelling up project, and we now await confirmation whether our application has been successful. The fund exists to allows community organisations like ourselves access to funds that will make a long term difference to the community. Put simply the fund will significantly more than match any funds that can be contributed by the Trust.
Should we be successful in both the application and the acquisition of the required funds, the plan would be to use these funds to purchase the playing surface at the Crown Oil Arena and putting it into the ownership of the Trust, before being leased back to the Club. The Trust would not be responsible for the cost of any pitch works.
In doing so, this would provide security over the future of the Crown Oil Arena, protecting it in the long term from anyone who may have ulterior motives. It would protect the playing future of both Dale and Hornets, and play a huge part in safeguarding the very many community activities that are carried our by the Dale Community Trust both at the ground and throughout the Borouigh of Rochdale. Should this be successful and the Crown Oil Arena playing surface taken into the ownership of the Trust, this would provide significant funds to the Football Club.
It is still very much in the planning stage, and should the application be successful, we will survey members as to whether this is something that they wish us to pursue. It had been our intention to announce this in next week’s newsletter, but given that it has been referenced on the Club’s website this week, it is only right to announce the details now. Trust Director Murray Knight will speak about it in more depth next week in the newsletter.