Our updates from our Supporter’s meetings continue with a look at ways to increase revenue.
Bringing in Revenue
- On the subject of a dark kitchen could we get investment for this if the potential return is that good?
- Liase with other Clubs (or plagarise). Look at other ideas
- Better support for Sponors on Social Media after games. Other Clubs display pics of sponsors before and after games. When its corporate, they will retweet this themselves and add publicity to our hospitality
- Squadbuilder – fans raise funds for an indivudal player or just to add to squad budget. This is used at a number of other clubs. The Trust to research where this has been utilised at other clubs to see pros / cons
- Can we increase our efforts to engage Alumni players and organise sportsman’s dinners? etc
- Do we have a database of all the female run businesses? we could have a game directed at them to generate some interest
- Advertising screen on Willbutts Lane. Sell advertising on it and club updates
- 100 ways of making ten grand
- A specific idea. Early I messaged about expanding revenue beyond the fan base. A for example that I haven’t seen else where, next time the Wilbutts Lane chippy comes on the market, the club or a club subsidiary or club / trust partnership/cooperative should buy it, and run it as a profit centre. Not in itself transformative but every little bit helps. It taps into the wider community for revenue. Perhaps has some synergy with the dark kitchen I’ve seen mentioned.