The UK’s finest Football Financial Podcast- the Price of Football is hosting a live show and has announced that all profits from the evening will be donated to our legal fundraiser.
The podcast has been the go to place for any information on the financial side of football and it does a fantastic job of raising awareness of issues for supporters. Indeed, we have been mentioned several times over the past twelve months (though we wish we hadn’t) with everything that has been going on at our club.
The event with Kieran Maguire and Kevin Day takes place on March 24th and will be held at AFC Wimbledon’s Plough Lane Stadium.
You can buy tickets for the event for £10 at Eventbrike by visiting https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-price-of-football-with-kieran-maguire-and-kevin-day-live-tickets-262519391567?ref=eios
If any Dale Trust members are attending the event, can they please let us know? info@daletrust.co.uk
The first PoF ‘Live’ is taking place at Plough Lane Wimbledon on 24 March. Bar will be open, tickets only £10 each. Any profits will go to the Rochdale AFC defence to keep Dale a fan owned club. https://t.co/ZCDiYIRBUd
— Kieran Maguire (@KieranMaguire) February 6, 2022
About this event
Finally, it’s time for the first ever Price of Football podcast live show. Join Kevin, Kieran, and Producer Guy, yes, the real Producer Guy, for a night of comedy, intrigue, amortisation and shaming of wrong’uns.
Plus your chance to ask questions in person without the three month wait! And you’ll hear some of the stories that are just too wild for the podcast. Unless Ali and the Baroness are there of course, in which case we’ll just show you some pictures of Finley the dog.
We’ll also interview someone senior from AFC Wimbledon about the unique ownership structure and funding behind the club, and we’ll be hanging round afterwards if you want to pick Kieran’s brains, buy Kevin a drink or stroke Guy’s gold suit.
Join us at The Cherry Red Records Stadium, Plough Lane, the brand new, old home of AFC Wimbledon, an appropriate venue if ever there was one for the first ever Price of Football live show, especially as Kevin hosted AFC’s first ever fund-raiser. Who knows, they may finally even say thank-you!