We will be meeting with the club on Thursday of this week. We have called for the meeting following a number of concerns that have been raised by both ourselves and supporters citing a lack of communication, transparency and consultation.
We have written to the club over the weekend informing them in depth of these concerns and the need for last week to be a “line in the sand” moment for all involved. The sheer number of supporters who have contacted us over the past seven days is clear evidence that a great deal of work is required to heal the relationship between the club and many of its supporters.
The Trust remains committed to working with the Club on behalf of the supporters in a positive way and is keen to develop and publish a long-term plan that addresses the concerns of the supporters and works towards returning the club to a more unified fanbase.
This will not simply be achieved in one meeting, and further work will be required by all parties, including the Trust, with a commitment to engage with supporters on a range of issues. For many, this will require actions rather than words, and its success will only be judged in the long term.
We will publish a full report of this meeting on the website before the end of the weekend, including next steps towards achieving this goal.