With the sole intention of developing a more positive and open relationship between the Club and Supporters for the future, the Trust has approached the Club with the idea of launching a “Fans Charter” as a way of setting out a long-term plan that recognises all aspects of the relationship between the Football Club and Supporters which we hope will also improve communication and offer better transparency. We want it to provide an opportunity for all Supporters to engage with the Club and ensure that their concerns are listened to and addressed, with their input at its heart.
An early version of it was presented at the meeting, and the next two weeks we will be hard at work finalising the first draft. We will then make it available to Supporters for consultation early in April before ratifying the final version of it. We are expecting that this will be fully published before the end of April.
The purpose of the document is to set out how the Club will interact with Supporters throughout the year, with a clear and published calendar of fan engagement, including an increase in opportunities for fans to have their say and to have their questions answered. We want the Charter to recognise the responsibilities of the Club in keeping Supporters up to date. Finally, we want it to provide a clear procedure of what to do if they feel that they are not satisfied in the way they have been treated in their dealings with the Club.
We are conscious that if not done properly, this could be the sort of document that gets launched with great anticipation before fading into obscurity gathering dust within a few weeks. The Trust is determined that it will be a working document that provides accountability and allows development in the future to address the needs of the Supporters for the long-term future.
If any Supporter wants to discuss any matters regarding the above, please email us at info@daletrust.co.uk.
Other items arising
We started the meeting by discussing the recent issues with communication that has led to a breakdown in the relationship between the Club and many of the Supporters, and there was a need to get a clear message across to the Supporters, something that hadn’t been forthcoming at the forum. We stated that we hoped that the Fans Charter will go a long way to addressing this in the long term, and the Club welcomed our proposal.
We raised the issue of the extension of Brian Barry-Murphy’s contract and the way it was announced at the forum with it coming across to those watching the forum like a Club Director didn’t know the answer to the question. We were assured this was not the case (and this had been a “genuine mix up” with the answer). The Club discussed this with us and informed us that they had already prepared a response to Supporters with regard to when the contract was signed and the reasons behind the delay in announcing it and would be contacting Supporters early in the next week.
We raised the issue of ticketing for 2021-22 and the ongoing difficulties relating to Covid. The Trust contacted the Club following the announcement of the Ticketing Meeting stating that whilst we felt it was a good idea and we were supportive of it, it was yet another example of poor communication by the Club, the announcement being made without any consultation. Coming two weeks after being told we would be invited in to discuss ticketing, it came across as a public snub. The Club apologised for this and stated that it was done with the best of intentions as an attempt to improve communications.
The Club said that they wanted the Ticketing Meeting to be done in conjunction with the Trust. We were informed that there has been a healthy response by Supporters, with the meeting will taking place on Monday 22nd March and members from the Trust will be involved.
The Club informed us that there was still no guarantee that there will be a full unrestricted return to stadiums for the start of the new season. Even if the current roadmap to normality goes according to plan with social distancing restrictions lifted in June, the Government through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport have yet to give the EFL any assurances about supporters’ access to matches. This has led to a reluctance in some quarters about starting the new season on the proposed date. The Club has urged supporters to email their local MP (tony.lloyd.mp@parliament.uk or chris.clarkson.mp@parliament.uk for Rochdale residents) to express their views on this.
We spoke about the kits for next season, with the lack of fan involvement that we have had in recent years. We were told that this has been the toughest year for kits due to covid. Normally it would have involved visits to Errea to look at materials etc but everything has had to be done via Zoom this year with the process starting last August.
There are plans in place for a Virtual Kit Launch at Easter, with a special kit to be released to commemorate our 100 years in the EFL. Pre-orders will be available with the kit arriving late May / early June. The Club said that they would like nothing more than to involve Supporters again with the kits, stressing that 2021-22 was the first season in six years where there hasn’t been some form of consultation with the Supporters.
We encouraged the Club to use the Trust to gauge Supporter feedback as it was very easy for us to run surveys or polls on our website for all Supporters to complete, on all kinds of matters even for things like choosing which pies to stock in the kiosks.
We discussed the Player of the Season evening. Obviously, it cannot be held in the traditional way this year with Covid restrictions. There were plans for a Virtual Player Awards evening after the Doncaster home game. No decision had been taken as to whether it would go out as a recorded event or live. We stated that we felt it would be better to go out live or as live as it would be a better feel for supporters allowing supporters to feel part of the evening.
- Trust to complete first draft of Fans Charter
- Supporters to email the Trust with thoughts on the Charter
- Club to contact Supporters with details of BBM contract extension
- Club to host ticketing consultation meeting with supporters on Monday 22nd March
- New kit to be launched Easter weekend
- Club to make decision on Player Awards Evening