Trust launches ticket scheme

The Dale Trust have today launched a scheme in conjunction with the Football Club where the  unused 2019/20 season tickets  will be donated to a “Community Fund” to recognise and reward the outstanding service made to the local community during the lockdown period made by keyworkers and other vital organisations, businesses as well as other vital members of the Rochdale community.

The Trust approached the club with the idea when it became apparent that the 2019-20 season would not be played out, leaving six matches remaining from last year’s season ticket. There are collectively around 15,000 remaining tickets in total from our 2,500 season ticket holders. These will be distributed over the next two seasons on a game by game basis to various organisations who have made a real positive contribution to our community.

And this is where you, the season ticket holders come in. We are well aware of the fantastic job that many of the keyworkers such as NHS staff have done during the lockdown period, but there will be many others who have made a real positive contribution to those in our local community who perhaps haven’t been recognised for this.

This could be anything from supermarket workers to haulage companies to volunteers. So, as it you who are donating your tickets, we are appealing to all season ticket holders  to nominate businesses, organisations or individuals that have played an active role in keeping the local community going through these difficult times. If you would like to make a nomination, please do so below. This scheme cannot be fully successful without your support in nominations.

However, should any season ticket holder not wish to participate in supporting this scheme and rewarding the local key workers, they can opt out by contacting the club via email. For logistical reasons, we request that any supporter wanting to opt out does so before 14th August to allow the planning for the distribution of the tickets.

Understandably, the “Community Fund” will only be activated when supporters are able to attend matches without any restrictions and the Crown Oil Arena is at full capacity.

To make a nomination, please complete the form below:


Please provide your nomination details