The Trust will be hosting its AGM this weekend in the Dale Bar before Saturday’s game with Bristol Rovers.
The AGM will review the minutes of the previous AGM, held on Saturday 13th October 2018, to be presented with a report on the activities undertaken and the accounts for the year ending 30th June 2019, vote on the re-election of the current auditors, and vote on the election of new Board members if appropriate and the re-election of existing Board members.
Planned activities for the current season will be presented, following by the opportunity for members to address the board with any points/questions they may wish to pose. At the conclusion of the meeting, a buffet will be provided for members attending.
Entry is free and is strictly limited to members. Members are asked to bring their membership card, or alternatively proof of ID to be matched with our membership list. If you require any further information, please email info@daletrust.co.uk.
All members have been emailed an agenda, and minutes from last year.
Doors will be open from 11am, with the AGM commencing at 11:30am.