Membership has passed 500 for the season. It is believed that this is the earliest that we have passed this figure in a season, and only the fourth time in the Trust’s 17 year history that we have surpassed this figure. Attention immediately has turned to hitting 600 members before the close of the season.
Plans are in place to have a second Trust desk for the forthcoming home game against Wycombe to be situated in the Carlsberg Lounge. It had been hoped to do this for the recent Blackpool game but due to the match sponsorship, this wasn’t possible.
A meeting had taken place at the club on Wednesday afternoon. This was reported back to the committee and a full report will be added to the Trust website very soon, once the third parties involved had been informed. Formal meetings with the Board are planned to take place in November and April.
The Trust started acting as an agent for the Dale Lotto, and have received £60+ commission so far. This is primarily aimed at Exile Members but if you are interested, please contact friends@daletrust.co.uk for further details if you would like to sign up.
Things are close to being signed off for the 5-a-side pitch project. The Trust recently handed over a sum of just short of £5,000 towards it. An announcement will be made very soon regarding the pitch and the timescales involved in its rebuilding.
Exiles Away Day – 18 have signed up to the Exiles Away Day so far, with two more to follow. Tickets remain at a subsidised £40 which provides a 3 course meal, free entry to the game, complimentary team sheet and programme, and attendance at the man of the match presentation after the game. There are 10 spaces that are still available. Click here if interested. The Exiles would also be looking to forthcoming away matches to push for new members with leafleting. No work is planned with regards to the home Exiles Day until nearer Xmas.
Feedback from the matchball sponsorship was very positive with emails received from the Trust members picked at random from the day thanking the Trust for inviting them. Peter Ward had gone down well with those in attendance and was entertaining in a Q&A with pre-match diners.
Trust newsletters to members were discussed and as it stands, there are 20 Trust members who had not provided their email addresses and a further seven who had not opted in. The intention was to write to all of those involves, including a couple of recent newsletters to show what they are missing, and to encourage them to provide details and opt in. The newsletters remain the best way for the Trust to communicate with members.
The Trust AGM is due on Saturday 2nd November and we would again look to house this before a match to encourage attendance. Preparation was well underway with regards the accounts for 2018-19. Further details will be announced with regards to this in due course.
Discussions had taken place regarding ideas to raise the atmosphere. Ian W has been in talks with the club with regards to one potential idea and will feedback with more details at the next meeting, before any supporter consultation takes place.
Next meeting: Monday 22nd September.