Minute’s from the Trust’s monthly meeting which took place on Wednesday 3rd April.
Meetings with the club
The meeting started with a lengthy discussion amongst the Trust board about what could be done to improve the way that the Trust reported back on its meetings with the club. There was an acknowledgement that the Trust had improved the level of dialogue with the club over the season, but still needed to improve the way this was transmitted back to its members. Ideas were shared and will look to be put into place ahead of the next meeting with the club. As part of that, the Trust would also look to publish the minutes of its monthly meetings.
IW provisionally announced the date for the presentation of the £250 to be made to Edgars Gift as Good Friday with Neil from the charity to accept the donation.
Membership Report
SG reported an increase in membership with a total membership of 525 which included 153 Exiles. 127 of the members are new to the Trust this year. The Junior membership increased significantly through the efforts of Syed from the trust Community cohesion Unit
Preparation would start soon on the membership forms and cards for the 2019-20 season. It has been decided to retain the £10 membership fee.
Five-a-Side pitch project.
Still no definitive date for commencement of the work though quotations have been received. £18 77.50 was raised by the “Trust race Night” and the still active sponsored walk to Accrington which to date had realised over £600 so far, and it is hoped that the final total will be close to £1,000 with the second walk.
End Of Season Awards Night,
Tickets are on sale at the club shop and ticket office as announced recently by the club at several home games Voting would commence soon on the Player of the Season
Meeting with the directors
Date to be announced on the trust web site and social media but expected to be shortly after the end of the season. CC would approach the club with a view to getting a date confirmed in the next few days.
KH gave the report, The community team announced that they expected record numbers for their three weeks of activities over the Easter holidays and were gearing up for events across the borough.
Community Cohesion Cup had taken place at the Soccer Factory on Saturday 16th March and proved a very successful event. A report on the work of the Community Cohesion Units will be featured on the Trust web site with an interview with Syed Ali, the cohesion unit leader.
The poll is up and running with the closing date being Saturday 6th April. The presentation would take place following the Wycombe game with the draw taking place on Sunday 7th April.
Friends of the Trusts
The Trust have added Roller City to the growing number of Friends. Further work is being carried out to add another local company to the ranks.
Curry Night
Thursday 18th April 2019 – The Pavilion – Steve Parkin and Tony Ford confirmed as speakers for the night. SG was putting final preparations together for this including raffle and auction prizes on the night.
Sponsored Walk to Accrington.
Though the game was off and we knew that at 8.30 am over 9 members still took to the walk in the most appalling conditions and completed it in nearly record time. The trust wants to place on record their thanks to the staff at Accrington for providing hot beverages and welcoming beers to those that completed the walk, and to the support staff. A second walk will take place for the rearranged game after which we will be able to publish a total figure.
Work continues with the welfare aspect of the Trust’s activities and has now drawn interest from the club who are prepared to put something on their official site sign posting to our welfare section. Additions this month and according to Google Analytics proving popular is a larger section on Cholesterol, with advice on how to control, diagnose and deal with the problem.
Exiles Day
Saturday 27th April – final home game against Southend United. IG confirmed that 38 had signed up so far. IG would speak to the club about deadline for numbers.
Next meeting – Wednesday 1st May 2019 at 6:30