We’ve just received a cheque for £267.76 from Easyfundraising as a direct result of Dale supporters shopping online.
As you know, we bang the drum for Easyfundraising as often as we can because without doubt it is the easiest way for any member or supporter to raise funds for the Trust. Since we started our relationship with Easyfundraising, we have now raised over £2,500.
If you’ve never used it before, it’s dead simple. All we ask is you register with the site and before you do any online shopping, you use the Easyfundraising link. It’s packed with household names and the retailer will make a donation to the Trust for your purchase. And most importantly, the price you pay is exactly the same price you’d pay if you hadn’t used the link.
Sometimes it might only be a few pence, but every little helps as they say (they’re on there too) and those few pence have added up to make the total £2,505.45 so far.