Following a request by Trust members, we are now launching a scheme where you can make a regular monthly donation to the Trust that will be ringfenced in order to purchase further shares to help safeguard the future of the Club.
We are launching a “Monthly shares donation” where supporters can donate a regular amount of their choice to the Trust each month. Any money raised through this scheme will be used exclusively to increase the number of shares held by the Trust, whether that be by private share transfer or if there was a future share release. This is solely being done to safeguard the future of the club. This can be cancelled at any time.
The amount payable is entirely your choice, and as a certain supermarket chain once said, every little helps. The idea from our point of view is for you to contribute a monthly amount that you are comfortable with that we hope collectively will add up and put us a stronger position to look after the club.
If you are interested in making a monthly donation to the Trust for this purpose, please fill out the form below. You do not need a paypal account to complete this (use the debit or credit card option). (Click here if you would prefer to do a one off donation)